Monday, October 15, 2012

Try to understand me?!

I believe that there is funny in EVERYTHING, it is all about how you look at things.  

For example:  A guy recently was in a contest where he had to eat a great deal amount of roaches in order to get a snake.  Most people look at the story as being sad because the guy ending up dying from the amount of bacteria his body endured because of the quantity of roaches he ate.  

The funny that i found in this story was the fact that they are conducting an autopsy and waiting on the results to determine the cause of his death.  In the article they said he was the life of the party and they lost count of how many roaches he consumed.  You could have saved time, money, and the wait from the autopsy.  HE DIED FROM THE DAMN ROACHES.  

I bet the people performing the autopsy were in the room like "Yo this guy has me coming in to work on my day off just to tell people he died from something they already know.  I got something for his ass, imma put my name right in his will to own that $850 python he won.  In remembrance of him i will name him Roach."

"Laughter is always in style." -AJ DUNK-

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